
Stills from the 13 min Mini-Doc

If you have not yet seen the 13 minute mini-documentary, scroll down to my post regarding it and get to watching!  Here are some stills from that amazing little special!

Thorin "Oakenshield" at the Battle of Azanulbizar

13 Dwarves

Ori and his slingshot...love the characterization!

PJ gives Oin some direction on how to be hard of hearing!

Roast Mutton

The Appendices are fleshing out the story

A Market in Dale?

Radagast, complete with bird-poo on the face!

The White Council

Tom, Bert, and William

One unhappy Hobbit

All bagged up!

"I am going on an adventure!"

The Eagles save the day.

PJ plans to have Thorin chop off Azogs hand at the Battle of Azanulbizar.


The story is told in the style of Bilbo writing to Frodo about his adventures.

Bilbo old

Bilbo young


The gate of Erebor
